In what way have you changed the most over the last three years? Write about your transformation. What is your single greatest fear? Why? Do you think there is any way you could overcome it?. What is it and whom would you like to say it to? Is there anything stopping you from saying it?
Write about something that you wish you could say to someone else. Do you consider yourself to be a “people person”? Why or why not?. What was the greatest birthday you’ve ever had? What made it so special?. Then, write about what you feel most responsible for. Define what the word “responsibility” means to you. What did they say and why did it have such an impact on you? Write about a time when someone told you something that changed your perspective. What do you plan to do after high school? Why do you want to take this path?. Write about one problem or issue in our world that you see a solution for and explain what you would do to fix it. What is one problem in our world that really needs to be fixed immediately? Why is this issue so urgent?. Use this list of creative writing prompts for teens to help your students and kids clarify their thoughts and emotions and develop stronger self-identities. Ultimately, the benefits of writing for high school students are as multi-faceted as the students themselves! As they tackle topics like their future goals, the greatest challenges they face, and the qualities that make them unique individuals, teens will benefit from the opportunity to get to know themselves in a new way-all while also improving their writing skills, their ability to analyze and explain, and their creative thinking. That’s why we’ve developed these 31 creative writing prompts for teens that ask students to write and reflect on their own lives and experiences. However, this is especially true for teenagers who often find themselves caught up in jumbled mixes of thoughts and emotions and without enough outlets through which they can express them.
It can have an impact on people of all ages and from all walks of life-and there is no one who can’t benefit from exploring his or her thoughts on the written page.