Intimidating Roar will incapacitate you with fear for a moment, but it doesn't last long enough to devastate your tanks, nor even constitute me trying out Fear Ward. Keep Fade ready to go in case an add spawn lines up too closely to an Intimidating Roar. Stand close to the boss so it's easy for your off-tank (or whoever isn't swapped in) to pick them up.

The major concern you'll have is the adds, which come from the left and right of where Zarithrian stands. General Zarithrian There is some tank swapping required to handle his sunder armor attack, but it's nothing too strenuous. You could practice your Smite spamming here if you want, especially if your DPS are melee heavy.

Beyond that the damage on the tanks and raid is forgettable. These players will need to run out of the raid and all you need to do is throw them a few heals. She'll mark members of your raid with an arrow to cast Conflagarate on them. She spends a good chunk of time up in the air spitting fireballs at you. Saviana Ragefire This mini-boss is so easy you'll forget you fought her. Of the three mini-bosses, I would say this one is the hardest, so if you get through Baltharus without batting an eye (it's quite possible to just muscle through the encounter without properly handling the debuff) then you shouldn't have any trouble with the other two. Baltharus has an attack called Blade Tempest where he spins his weapon around and does a pretty hefty sum of damage to your tanks (and any DPS standing in front of the boss.) It will get worse if any players with the Enervating Brand debuff are in range of the boss, which they may well be if you're in a pug, so be ready to toss out a priest cooldown if things look dire. At 66% and 33% (50% on 10-man) Baltharus will clone himself and the clones will need to get picked up by the off-tanks, and at that point you'll need to start healing the off-tanks too. There is a knock back ability Baltharus does, but you should be at range so it won't matter too much. What you heal with doesn't matter too much, just expect the damage to be a bit spiky. Just like the three dragons in Obsidian Sanctum, surviving the brief encounters only requires that you know what to expect.īaltharus the Warborn As a healer all you need to do is hang back and spam heals on the tank.

The three mini bosses in Ruby Sanctum aren't much to worry about, to be honest. I will also examine priest appropriate loot in the instance and compare it to a few pieces we've seen in Icecrown Citadel. In the guide I'll be covering Halion, as well as the three mini-bosses you'll have to defeat before you can face him. I know, I know, I promised you all a leveling guide, but for the sake of being timely we'll have to push it back a week.
This week I'll be writing about how to traverse the Ruby Sanctum as a healing priest. How will she write for healing priests with that incessant racket?! What could be the root of this?! Fox Van Allen must have finally teamed up with goblin engineers to foil Dawn's Sunday column. ) This weekend however, Dawn's soundtrack is being interrupted by the sound of explosives. Every weekend, Dawn Moore enjoys drinking her tea English style and writing Spiritual Guidance to the pleasant sound of birds (this is quite fortunate, since she lives in an aviary.